10/17/18 ~ Wakulla County Debris Removal Update


Debris Contractors will begin picking up debris early next week.  Please see  flyer below demonstrating how to separate your debris.  The separate debris categories may be picked up in stages at different times.  County staff is currently in discussions with FEMA to determine if we will be picking up on private roads; therefore, for now, we ask that you please place your debris curbside on a County/Public roadway.  Once we receive confirmation from FEMA, we will notify the public.  Also, we do not have a schedule of the Debris Contractors routes; however, we will try to advise the public of the areas they will be in as we learn.

In addition, the Lower Bridge Landfill is still open if you would like to take your debris there.  You can dump green yard debris and food spoilage at the Landfill free of charge; and may also dump construction debris for a fee of $3.75 per 100lbs/$75.00 per ton.  The Lower Bridge Landfill is located at 156 Landfill Rd. and will be open Monday-Friday from 8:00a.m. – 5:00p.m. and on Saturday from 8:00a.m. – 3:00p.m.