4/16/18 ~ Wakulla County Seeking Members to Serve on the Animal Control Appeal Board


Are You Interested in Serving as a Member on the 

Animal Control Appeal Board? 

The Wakulla County Board of County Commissioners is seeking two (2) members and two (2) alternate members to volunteer serving on the Animal Control Appeal Board.  The Appeal Board meets on an as needed basis to review decisions of the Wakulla County Division of Animal Services as required by the County’s Animal Control Ordinance, including dangerous dog determinations.  The volunteers must be residents of Wakulla County and must meet the following criteria:

  • two persons, with public health expertise; and
  • two persons, who will be a lay person


Interested persons should submit a cover letter explaining their interest in serving on the Animal Control Appeal Board and identifying which category the person qualifies for, along with a resume or other statement of relevant experience which includes the person’s name, address, and a contact telephone number no later than May 11, 2018.  Please e-mail your information to Ivanhoe Carroll at icarroll@mywakulla.com or by fax to 926-0930.